电影名字不应该叫Mind Game千古玦尘电视剧免费观看西瓜应该叫Mind F@%k……“Your life is the result of your own decisions.” 这部可以让人把暂停和快退键按坏的电影的主题就是片头这句一闪而过的话看过这部之后就觉得诺兰的金敏的电影全都不能叫烧脑了.... 鲸鱼在这部电影里隐喻着贪图享乐自暴自弃的生活逃出去算是对自己人生的负责吧鲸口脱险太高潮了踩着一只飞虫然后踩着水分子向前冲的那一刻直接让我想到了《迷人的保姆》周星驰轻踩老鹰的片段都是一种升华了
what a beautiful movie! i didnt even realize the actor was so handsome before! artists rock!!! the nazis are so cruel. ... but I. have to say, their uniforms are so fashionable! so good looking!! ah.. I have a fetish...